© Begoña Muñoz Fernández - All Rights Reserved (vegap)











ENVOLVENTE PARA MR.BYRNE hibridaciones de la memoria

Compilación Artística Procesual

Secuenciación 05/28






copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap


copyright begoña muñoz all rights reserved vegap... Begoña Muñoz


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copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap  

Surrounding for Mr. Byrne












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copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap   copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap

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Secuenciación 05/28

Compilación artística procesual en Edición Especial para sinedie7 y Klauss van Damme webart site

© Begoña Muñoz 2010 (vegap)




Contenido y técnicas: 28 composiciones híbridas secuenciales fijadas sobre papel fotográfico brillo de 20x15 cms. elaboradas a partir de capturas electrónicas de imagen tomadas por la artista en el transcurso del tour EVERITHING THAT HAPPENS WILL HAPPEN TODAY de David Byrne; papel vegetal Diamant Extra intervenido a los cantos mediante aplicación de tintas al agua con colores de alta luminosidad + Tintas metálicas, aplicaciones vinílicas varias y tintas al agua con colores de alta luminósidad aplicadas sobre fragmentos de páginas de diferentes ejemplares del semanario THE VILLAGE VOICE impresos en New York en 1988 y 1989 + Papel vegetal culinario y bolsa autocierre de plástico transparente, PE-LD 04 / 16,2x23,5 cms. con aplicaciones vinílicas adhesivadas + pack contenedor




Edición de arte transmedia - Compilación de obra híbrida secuencial agrupadaa en treinta páginas web vinculadas




copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klaussvandamme official website al rights reserved vegap  
copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap

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ENVOLVENTE PARA MR. BYRNE. Hibridaciones de la memoria

Begoña Muñoz

Compliación artística procesual. Edición Especial para sineDie7 y Klauss van Damme webart site / composiciones híbridas originales y derivas electrónicas aleatorias /

Secuenciación 05/28

copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap

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 copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap  
copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap

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copyright begoña muñoz 2010 all rights reserved vegap.... © BEGOÑA MUÑOZ 2010 (vegap)






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Begoña Muñoz



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ver ediciones sinedie en kaosart copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap copyright begoña muoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap copyright begoña muñoz 2010 courtesy from the artist to klauss van damme official website all rights reserved vegap